The PuMP Blueprint Online Program

PuMP Blueprint Online is a self-paced training program to quickly and easily create KPIs and performance measures that are engaging and meaningful to use, and drive true performance improvement.

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Most of us – managers, strategy and performance professionals, analysts – struggle to meaningfully measure what matters. It’s frustrating, because we’ve tried so hard, and we still don’t have great measures.

But we can end the struggle. And as soon as we do, measurement transforms our organisational performance.

Our KPI struggles are universal (you’re not alone).

Over the past two decades, Stacey Barr has researched thousands of people around the world – who believe strongly in measuring what matters – and discovered the top 5 KPI struggles are these:

  1. Easily finding meaningful measures, particularly for those intangible and hard-to-measure goals
  2. Getting true buy-in to performance measurement
  3. Aligning measures to strategy, at all levels of the organisation
  4. Getting started, and doing it properly
  5. Using measures to reach targets, and get a high ROI on performance improvement

Our KPI struggles won’t go away if we just try harder at measuring performance. Who’s got time to try harder, with the unrelenting urgency of business as usual? The dilemma is that this urgency is often because we’re not measuring the right things, and therefore can’t manage them as well as we could.

These struggles are obstacles on our journey to a high-performance culture, where people are engaged in the part they play in fulfilling the mission and pursuing the vision, and making the strategic direction a reality.

I needed to design and implement a strategic performance management system for my organisation. I spent countless hours researching methodologies and frameworks, and meeting with different ‘experts’ to decide what would work best for our context. PuMP was the standout candidate because of it’s deliberate, systematic and yet very pragmatic approach to measurement.

I opted for the Online PuMP Blueprint program because it gave me lifetime access to the learning materials and gave me the opportunity to go back and re-listen to something that I may not have fully grasped on the first iteration. This all fits well with my reflective learning style. The program was very engaging. The videos are not too long, presented with a fun tone, and Stacey’s stories help to illustrate the concepts and to visualise the techniques playing out in the real world.

I feel like a member of a select group that really understands what measurement is and how to design meaningful measures – I say a “select group” because it is now clear to me just how few people really get this stuff!

I have started implementing PuMP in my organisation. I love that the methodology also addresses the social aspects of implementation, because introducing this process is transformational and requires a focus on change management. It is hard work, but the again, if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got!

I, and others, are starting to see the value add already, especially in terms of the collaboration and richness of discussion that the PuMP techniques generate. I would highly recommend PuMP and the online program to anyone who is serious about driving continuous improvement through the identification and measurement of real performance results.

– Richard Berry, Leader Performance and Governance, Australia

Good performance measurement creates a performance culture (not the other way around).

We can’t wait until we have a high-performance culture before we focus on measuring performance. High-performance cultures grow with deliberate practice in performance measurement.

But it doesn’t happen overnight. It happens through stages:

  1. The growth starts with a strong focus on the purpose of high-performance, replacing fear of judgement with a passion for learning how to lift performance. We’ve removed the biggest obstacle to high-performance.
  2. Now, we can set clearer goals, measure them meaningfully, and easily engage people. This is when we really notice the performance culture building.
  3. This new performance culture makes it easy to make more evidence-based decisions that produce high-ROI improvements. We find more leverage to improve performance, reach stretch targets, and lead our industry. What we aim for, we achieve.

“Give me a lever long enough

and a fulcrum on which to place it

and I shall move the world.”

—  Archimedes.

In high-performance organisations, the lever is our change initiatives. The world is our goals, objectives, mission, and vision. The fulcrum is measurement. Measuring performance well gives us lots more power to lift performance.

It’s strengthened the focus in our organisation about what matters most…

Stacey, the workshop that you ran was revelational – truly. Simply put, the single most important question that I took away with me was a question you asked of me on the second morning: ‘What do you define as success for the organisation?’ … As a result, it’s strengthened the focus in our organisation about what matters most.

— Todd MacDougall, CEO, Corcom, Australia

Our struggles are caused by bad KPI habits that we don’t even know we have.

The struggles blocking our journey to high-performance are due to some bad habits that, in the absence of a proper performance measurement methodology, have become common practice, the world over.

Some of the bad habits are:

  • Holding people accountable for hitting targets
  • Brainstorming KPIs and measures – or shopping for them off-the-shelf
  • Writing goals with words like effective, efficient, sustainable, reliable, quality, etc…

If we want performance measures power performance improvement, we must unlearn these bad KPI habits. The PuMP Blueprint is one of the only truly deliberate and practical step-by-step methods to replace these bad KPI habits with proper performance measurement practice.

The most comprehensive and pragmatic performance management methodology…

Your PuMP methodology is the most comprehensive and pragmatic performance management methodology published today.

— Jack Spain, Director of Strategy & Business Development, SchoolDude, USA

The PuMP Blueprint replaces the bad habits with techniques that work.

PuMP was designed from over 20 years of research, with thousands of people world-wide, on the struggles that prevent them from easily mastering performance measurement.

We solve our struggles by replacing their causes, the bad KPI habits, with practices that work. We can’t get leaner, get fitter, have more energy, think more clearly, live longer, and keep our bad lifestyle habits.

The PuMP Blueprint has 8 steps that flow together in a deliberate process that makes measuring performance easier, faster, more engaging and more meaningful. It replaces those bad KPI habits at the root of our struggles to measure what matters.

And the PuMP Blueprint Online Program presents these 8 steps to you, one at a time and with all the templates and resources you need, so you can learn and practice and apply better performance measurement at a pace and time that works for you.

Have come up with some great objectives and measures…

We’ve just started doing workshops with each department using the ‘How to design meaningful performance measures’ templates and so far they are working great. Thinking about the end in mind first and allowing time to really think about what the KPI would look and feel like really seems to be getting people thinking. We have come up with some great objectives and measures. Thank you for such an easy to understand and useful tool.

— Justine Fisher, Business Analyst, Queenstown Lakes District Council, New Zealand

Very easy for us to develop meaningful measures…

PuMP is a great programme, it’s making it very easy for us to develop meaningful measures for our organisation.

— Amanda Kent, Public Service Department, New Zealand

PuMP is unique because it’s the only methodology we’re aware of that gives enough detailed instructions for you to easily measure performance without struggle:

  • Make your strategy measurable and easier to communicate and cascade
  • Select and design performance measures that are meaningful, quantitative, and feasible
  • Get buy-in from staff and stakeholders to own performance measurement and improvement
  • Bring your measures to life in a consistent way, using the right data and with the right ownership
  • Design insightful and actionable reports and dashboards that focus on improvement
  • Clearly see the real signals from your measures about whether performance is improving or not
  • Convincingly hit your performance targets, and make measurement about transformation, not about blame or covering your bum

With PuMP, we reach more targets (that matter), reach them sooner and with less effort. We get a higher rate of return on our change initiatives. We naturally build a performance culture, where people are fully engaged in their part in fulfilling the mission and pursuing the vision.

Got back close to half a million-dollar gain…

When we started using the PuMP process it was explained to us that we could identify a deficiency and we weren’t going to be chastised if we didn’t meet targets … But we were able to realise our productivity gain of 43 days savings from a 64 day average down to a 21 day average [in reducing the time to place training failures into new positions]. We invested probably $10,000-$12,000 and got back close to half a million-dollar gain.

— Steve Silvers, Employee Services Team Manager, Federal Aviation Authority, USA

The PuMP Blueprint Online Program is the most convenient way to measure what matters.

The PuMP Blueprint Online Program is a series of convenient, step-by-step, action-oriented online lessons. These lessons are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and you have lifetime access.

It has been designed specifically for leaders, strategy professionals, performance measurement professionals, and analysts involved in measuring performance.

You have all the resources you need to apply what you learn as you pace yourself through the program:

  • 10 Practical How-to Lessons to give you the step-by-step techniques to measure what matters, in an interactive and engaging style, including voice and PowerPoint slides.
  • A detailed workbook for each lesson, with the PowerPoint slides, checklists, detailed reference notes and examples.
  • A detailed case study we examine throughout the program and you can download to guide your own implementation.
  • Practical implementation activities with clear written instructions after each lesson.
  • Bonus resources to support your learning, including reading lists, Q&A blog, and more.

Really designed with the learner in mind…

Your style and materials are very approachable, and you explained everything so clearly that I never felt baffled… The course is really designed with the learner in mind.

— Vicky Stanbridge, Principal Adviser in a government organisation, New Zealand

Suited my learning style perfectly…

I found the Performance Measure Blueprint Online course very valuable – not just because I learnt some great tools and concepts I can use in my role, but because the structure of the course suited my learning style perfectly. I was able to focus on the short sharp sessions without the fatiguing that happens in all-day courses… The resource website including the course notes, handouts and recordings was brilliant with everything located in one convenient location and allowing me to listen to recordings multiple times. Overall, for me, this course in this format was the perfect mix and provided me with a lot of great new tools I was able to use in my role immediately.

— Craig Pettett, Business Support Advisor in a Queensland-based utility

The ability to practice what I learned each week was invaluable…

The PuMP Online course gave me an incredible amount of additional content and practical advice… the ability to practice what I learned each week with a pilot group is invaluable. I am now energized and have the tools to help develop meaningful measures for my organization that I believe will improve our operations immensely.

— Cheryl Welch, Tualatin Valley Water District, Beaverton, OR, USA

See it work time and time again…

The BSC Institute just this morning informed me that they have awarded Douglas County the 2011 Award for Excellence and so much of that recognition goes to you Stacey for being my “measure mentor”… I cannot tell you how many times I bring people back to your measure design model and see it work time and time again.

— Jerry Stigall, Director, Organization Development, Strategy, & Policy, Douglas County Government

A little about your program presenter, Stacey Barr, the Performance Measure Specialist

Stacey helps people get tangibly clear about the results they really intend to achieve in their business or organisation, and to know how well they are achieving those results.

Performance measurement just happens to be the best tool to do this, and also the one people struggle with most. So that’s where she specialises, and has done for almost 20 years.

Stacey challenges many of the long-held beliefs and bad habits people have about how performance measures ought to be chosen, created and used. And as the creator of PuMP, she shows them how to adopt more practical and proven methods to meaningfully measure what matters.

Stacey is known for her unusually high level of practicality, her easy-going, approachable and authentic presentation style, and her innate ability to balance the technical rigour of performance measurement with the social, human side.

PuMP is certified through the world’s leading professional certification institute.

PuMP is certified by APMG, the world’s leading accreditation and exam institute for professional certifications. You can read more at the APMG PuMP Certification information page.

When you achieve PuMP Certification, you will receive:

  • An official certificate issued by APMG confirming your PuMP Certified status
  • An official digital ‘PuMP Certified’ badge to use in your social media profiles, such as LinkedIn
  • Validity of your certification lasting 5 years from the date of achieving it
  • The option to apply for re-certification before your certification expires

PuMP Certification demonstrates your ability to develop performance measures that are meaningful, aligned to strategy, implemented efficiently and focused on driving performance improvement. This is a powerful capability to include in your resume and give you an edge over other candidates for promotions and new positions.

You can watch Lesson 1 for free, and get a solid introduction to what you’ll learn:

This video is the full-length first lesson in the eight-lesson program. You’ll learn:

  • The 8 most common mistakes people make with performance measurement.
  • An introduction to the process of performance measurement, with the PuMP methodology.
  • A practical technique to start getting people engaged in performance measurement.

Watch Lesson 1 for free

I highly recommend Stacey’s training as the best in the business…

I cannot speak highly enough of Stacey and her Performance Measure Blueprint. There is a lack of good quality performance measurement training in Australia and I highly recommend Stacey’s training as the best in the business.

— Melinda Varley, Director Business Performance Management, Australian Public Service

Here’s how to register for the PuMP Blueprint Online Program:

When you register online for your membership to the PuMP Blueprint Online Program, you will get instant access to the program website and can start your first lesson right away.

Pricing decreases the more people you register in the same transaction.

*** Prices will rise from 1st January 2025***

2024 1st January 2025
per person per person
Full Fee: $1800AUD $2300AUD
2 to 5 people: $1530AUD $2000AUD
6 to 10 people: $1260AUD $1900AUD
11 to 20 people: $1260AUD $1800AUD
21 or more people: contact us for a quote contact us for a quote

* All amounts are in AUD (Aussies, add 10% GST to these amounts).
* Group rates only apply to people from the same organisation and in the same booking/transaction.

For currency conversions, we use
A condition of registering for this program is your agreement to the terms & conditions.


PuMP is still a one of a kind

I don’t think you need to worry about the cost increase. PuMP is still a one of a kind in my mind. I have taken KPI training from another high-profile organisation and it didn’t compare. PuMP is a great methodology and the online training with email/blog support is excellent. 

— Brian Andrews, Feedback and Improvement Manager, CNS LLC, USA

Register here, and start in minutes:

You can register online now for immediate access:


Register here...


Or you can register using our offline pdf registration form, which you can fill out and email to us at We will process your registration and have you set up within 2 business days of receiving your payment.

Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions at all about the PuMP Blueprint Online Program, please email us at and we will respond within 24 hours (usually much faster).

Alternatively you can call us on +61 1800 883 458.

Stacey Barr
the Performance Measure Specialist